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Personal Statement

I originally begin my collegiate journey in pre-medicine. In fact, I spent over three years pursuing this goal. As I approached the finish line, something about my future did not sit well with me. This uneasy feeling left me feeling hollow and almost haunted. Apparently it showed quite readily on my face as one day a random guy I had never spoken to approached me about it. He looked at me and asked me how everything was going and proceeded to tell me I looked pretty overwhelmed and stressed. He then, out of nowhere, suggested that I look into becoming a teacher. I shrugged off his suggestion and continued on, still unable to shake that unsettled feeling. The next day I met with my advisor. After speaking for a few minutes on what my next steps would be in the path towards medical school, she looked at me and told me that I could always be a teacher. I decided I shouldn’t ignore it twice. I mean, fool me twice shame on me right? So I raced home and spoke to my wife about it. We prayed and came to the decision that I should switch from a medical path to one of becoming a teacher. Immediately that unsettling feeling dissipated and I felt peace.


From that moment forward I have been on the path towards teaching. My journey hasn’t been easy, but I have learned to love every difficult moment. I have found that I have a passion for advancing education into the modern era. Eventually, I would like to gain a Master’s degree in Educational Technology and then work with schools to integrate technology and learning.


Throughout this e-portfolio you will see glimpses from school projects and my student teaching that show how I have integrated, and plan to integrate, technology into my teaching. Prezi and google slides have become best friends of mine as I have learned how to use them as aids in teaching lessons. I have also used project sites like Sway and Wordart to create awesome representations of myself as a teacher. I particularly like Sway as I plan to use it to create letters to send home to parents. I have also included several projects from my science classes to show how I can integrate science, technology, and learning. In particular, I have included my research work on A. canadense and its antibacterial properties.


Each piece of this e-portfolio will take you on a journey. It will allow you to follow along in my academic path towards becoming a teacher. You will learn of my love of technology in the classroom, my excitement to share Jesus and His love with future generations, and the ways and styles in which I will be teaching. Come along with me and follow my journey to the starting line.

You can also learn more about me by clicking on my linkedin and blogger below!
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